Friday, October 4, 2019

Problem 5: Network Simulation - ppt download

Problem 5: Network Simulation - ppt download: Problem 5: Network Simulation The simulation network contains information about lane configurations, vertical and horizontal geometry, speed limits, etc. Included in the Network: Alternate Route 7 and interchange complexes Exits 6 and 7 The interchange with Route 9 The interchanges with Route 7 and 23rd Street Not Included in the Network: The underlying surface arterial network The freeways that lie outside the artificially defined boundary. Two main decisions need to be made: 1) what network to analyze and 2) what traffic volumes to use. Exhibit 4-77 shows the network used as the basis for the simulation model. It encompasses Alternate Route 7 and the interchange complexes at either end: Exits 6 and 7 on I-87, the interchange with Route 9 on Route 7, and the interchanges with Route 7 and 23rd Street on I-787. What it doesn’t include is the underlying surface arterial network and the freeways that lie outside the artificially defined boundary. The actual simulation network is detailed, with information about lane configurations, vertical and horizontal geometry, speed limits, etc. The time period we studied was the AM peak. Either the AM peak or the PM peak would be a good choice. The only difference is the direction of peak flow. In the AM Peak, the flows are predominantly southbound and eastbound. What are the characteristics of the network that you would expect to input into a simulation model? What are some assumptions we might make for this specifi...

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